Foothill offers a section of Music Appreciation at Foothill (3rd Period) that is dual credit with the College of Southern Nevada.
The first semester is Music Appreciation (MUS 121 – 3 college credits) and the second semester is History of Rock and Roll (MUS 125 – 3 credits). This class is available to all Foothill students (9-12) and costs a mere $75.50 per semester. Let me repeat…for a total of $151.00, your student can earn 6 college credits. For most (non-music major) college students…this would account for all or their (likely) required Fine Arts or Humanities requirements…at a fraction of the cost of any private or state institution.
Music Appreciation (MUS 121) deals with Ancient, Medieval, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century music. History of Rock ‘N’ Roll (MUS 125) deals with Blues, Jazz, Country, and other American musical art forms and how it affected the birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll and contemporary popular music.
All assignments, discussions, and quizzes are completed online through a CSN Canvas Virtual shell. Mr. Pardee provides computer lab time during class for students to complete most of their work.